2020 DNC Convention – Star-Spangled Banner

This is probably the most famous virtual performance in recent months—viewed by millions of Americans at the same time. It’s a standard “rectangles” setup, but two important factors that make it better than most.

Rectangles are in portrait mode, which fits the singers’ shape/size better, and it removes wasted space, allowing more people into the frame at once

They’re all wearing coordinated colors, and they all shot on a white wall background. Consistency is key!

What we like about it

I mean, for one thing, it’s a choir of regular people who got to sing our national anthem for the nomination of the president—so that’s pretty awesome.

And it’s a great example of what virtual performance videos can be—creative, fun, and beautiful. And with the potential exception of the stars transition at the end, it’s not really THAT much editing!