Covid’s Impact on Arts Education in 2021: Survey Results & Analysis
FansRaise conducted a survey, researching the pandemic’s impact on arts programs in the US.
More than 100 band directors told us how their programs are managing through the pandemic and recovery.
We hope to make empty concert halls a thing of the past.
How to Rehearse Your Band Remotely: And still use ensemble listening
For arts educators, remote teaching brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic is incredibly challenging.
Live ensemble performance cannot be accomplished alone, no matter how fast your video conference software runs.
Rehearsing a band remotely is hard.
Here’s how to make it a little easier.
You’re Doing Virtual Band Videos Wrong. And You’re Missing the Point.
When radio started, actors recited theater shows. When tv started, they broadcast footage of radio dramas.
Anytime a new medium emerges, it starts by copying its predecessor.
And so do virtual band videos… for now.
Ask any band or chorus director. Operating a performing arts ensemble remotely is not the same as doing so in-person.
But some directors try to make it that way. They seem to be looking for virtual versions of their favorite in-person methods.
That’s the wrong answer.
$30k in 3 Weeks: How Carolina Crown Made Fundraising a Game (and won!)
Carolina Crown’s student members raised $35,287 in 31 days — online, via crowdfunding, during a pandemic.
The corps’ staff made the members’ participation into a game, and it drove massive success with very little effort.
Here’s how.
4 Ways to Drive Arts Fundraising During Covid-19 Recovery
Arts program costs didn’t go on quarantine.
Fundraisers and events are going to look very different during the upcoming months.
Here’s how you can kickstart your school’s fundraising in the wake of Covid-19.