The Juilliard School – Bolero

Simple technology. Mind-boggling coordination. And celebrity cameos! This video is off the charts. And you’d expect nothing less from Juilliard.

The whole thing is done on everyone’s favorite video collaboration tool: Zoom. But unlike 100% of other Zoom virtual performances, this video doesn’t suck—just the opposite, in fact.

What we like about it

Everything, especially Bradley Whitford looking exasperated and Laura Linney brushing her teeth. On first view, it looks like everyone recorded themselves at home, performing along to the same master track.

But if you watch the blooper reel at the end, you can catch a few glimpses of their choreographer rehearsing (or recording?) with several dancers at the same time—live.

Add many, many hours of video editing after the fact, and you have an incredible performance by exactly the institution you’d expect.