Examination of a Successful Campaign

When we can point to a successful campaign and use it as an illustration on how other Organizations can use a FansRaise campaign, we will try to promote and spread the word.

Cy-Fair FansRaise Drumline campaign

Our good friends at Cy-Fair High School started a FansRaise campaign to help bolster their annual “Drumathon” campaign. This annual campaign comprises the backbone of their ensemble’s budget. This upcoming season also contains the added line item for their ensemble’s trip to Dayton for WGI Championships in April 2018.

As opposed to past seasons, this year their director decided to take their usual campaign and automate it using the FansRaise platform. By skipping the usual pen/paper forms and pledge sheets, their goal is to be more efficient and just easier by offering online payment options. Another benefit is that this campaign can be student-focused while other band booster fundraisers can continue to work in parallel.

Take a look at their campaign page by clicking here.

This campaign page ticks all of the boxes:

  • Clear, tight, concise “ask”
  • Photos, videos make the page about the students
  • Tiered donation levels incentivize larger donations


What is really making this campaign GO is the student involvement. Associate Director John Nelson has challenged his students to take direct responsibility. As a result, the campaign launched with 95+% of students highly engaged.

In the first 2 days of the campaign, the results are very obvious – MORE  donations along with LARGER donations are driving this campaign along to completion quickly.



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