Band Boosters and Band Directors are Going with FansRaise


Our July Launch Lottery promotion is chugging along nicely.  Maybe it has to do with more marching bands getting ready for August activities?

Regardless, the bottom line is that FansRaise makes fundraising for large ensembles EASY and EFFECTIVE.  Launch a crowdfunding campaign with your group before the end of July, and your organization will be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 bonus!

While we have received great feedback and lots of new system activity from new organizations joining our FansRaise family, there’s still time for your ensemble to get involved.  “You need to be in it to win it,” as they say.

Regardless of the type of ensemble, our crowdfunding system can be applied to ensembles of all shapes and sizes.  Whether you are a marching band director, a member of a band boosters organization, or a performing member – you can learn more about our system by visiting our FAQs or checking out other blog posts.

May the odds be in your favor, but even if they are not – FansRaise is still the easiest and best way to set your performing organization up for fundraising success.


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