Big Platform Updates, Changes from FansRaise

This morning, FansRaise took a significant leap forward with pushing a new feature release into production, which will impact campaigns in new and exciting ways…



While much of the update was built around “under-the-hood” items that will improve page loading, site stability, and other minor things that only us nerdy-geeks will notice – TWO of the changes are significant and will directly improve the effectiveness of your campaigns:



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While your Org’s campaign page will still be the same, your members and students will now have a version of the page that is lightly personalized with their name, and a profile image (if they choose to upload one in their Member Profile – it’s optional). We would love to continue to see this member personalization flourish in some new and creative ways, and we know that this is only scratching the surface of what’s possible.

This will instantly connect with donors as they will know and understand EXACTLY who and what they are supporting with a donation. This is a big part of “donor psychology” and we believe this will help build the linkage between donor and participant.



One of the things that continue to heavily influence campaign progress (especially in the early stages of a campaign) is what we call Member Uptake”The faster we can get 100% of your member list confirmed (by clicking the welcome email we send) and adding their 20 donor contacts – the better-off you’ll be and the faster your campaigns will begin to progress.

You can now include a field for “Phone” in your uploaded member list for the mobile numbers of your members/students. They will be added to text alerts for important reminders pertaining to the campaign. If you don’t have phone numbers available, you can instruct your students to add their number when they log-in.

Please note – this is an optional feature, but we figured that since most Orgs are using some sort of text reminder service for schedule updates, this feature would be useful built-into the campaign. Members can opt-out at any time, but it will help get your campaign ready for launch day in a more efficient fashion than email alone.

This is a feature that we’ll control to help augment the use of email reminders, and we will use it sparingly in order to move hard-to-reach campaign participants.


So with all of the above going on – now is a great time to get together and talk about plans for your next campaign:

  • Thinking of something big for next marching band season?
  • Is there a destination trip on the horizon?
  • Any large capital needs, like uniforms, trucks/trailers, sets of school instruments?
  • How about an Annual Giving campaign or donation drive to kick off your season? 


As always, you can at any point grab time on my calendar so we can catch up on your program and your needs. If you would like to set up a time to discuss your specific questions and dig into ways your program will benefit from FansRaise – use this link to find some time that works for you.


ALSO – don’t forget to grab yourself our $10,000 BluePrint for an organized plan on how your performing organization could easily attack a crowdfunding goal of $10,000 or more:



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