Milestone – Year 1 Reflections on FansRaise Crowdfunding

FansRaise is officially turning 1-years-old, and as we reflect back at the last 12 months we have a lot to be thankful about.




First, I want to thank our early supporters. By “supporters” I don’t mean the people that simply AGREE with your idea or business concept, but rather those people that actually provided rigorous challenges to our idea. I spoke with dozens of arts educators and directors over the span of many months, and some of the feedback was exciting in that it wasn’t always in slam-dunk agreement with what we were thinking.


Secondly, I’m thankful that the performing arts community sees what we are doing and creating and are making moves to support us as we support them.

(1) When it comes to crowdfunding of ANY type – Email > Social.

(2) Every campaign makes money, and at least SOME funds raised makes it successful.

(3) General campaigns and ultra-specific campaigns can both be successful, but for entirely different reasons.


We have some amazing things in store in the form of new features and layers to our platform. The experience is already great, the system WORKS, but it will continue to grow and evolve as we go forward.


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