High School Band Fundraisers in the land of Texas and TMEA

TMEA Texas and high school band fundraisers

This is TMEA week in the great state of Texas, and just like last year, FansRaise is preparing to head cross-country to participate in one of the largest performing arts conferences in the country.

Here are some thoughts from 2018’s wrap-up:

This large conference and expo brings together educators, student performers, and vendors amounting to a total crowd upwards of 50,000 people. It’s huge and the photo above is laughably small compared to the massive gathering in the expo hall.

What I really loved about the experience was the opportunity to not only talk to band directors in their native environment, but I was also in a position to speak to students and parents alike about issues around the topic of high school band fundraisers.

Here are some of the major takeaways from TMEA:

  1. Educators and boosters are tired of the same-old tactics, and something fresh and innovative is very intriguing to these programs. I also have received this same sediment across the country for what it’s worth…
  2. With time commitments, competing priorities, and other sources of interference – groups are really intrigued with our type of fundraising since it is quick, simple, and cuts through the static quickly (via targeted email, which is at the core of the FansRaise model).
  3. Our competitor in this arena, spends a lot of money on the trappings of their booth and their public persona – but the feedback I hear directly from directors is that their fees are WAY TOO HIGH (ours are about half) and they tend to be somewhat incompatible with the music and arts field (probably because they were launched as a sports platform, and that is the way they have staffed their company).
  4. I won’t say for certain that Texas groups travel MORE than in other states, but active and competitive TX programs pile up the miles in astounding fashion. Programs in any state that are active, or want to do MORE, need campaigns that are large-scale and efficient.
  5. Even in Texas, programs are periodically under-funded and under-supported. I know I was as shocked as you probably are reading this.
  6. And lastly – Texas is not unlike other great music education states in that students are prideful, spirited, and a little competitive – which is another reason that our “game-ified” model is tailor-fit for these programs.


If running a solid campaign is an area of interest for you or your program, might we suggest you grab yourself a copy of our $10K Blueprint?







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