Your Friday FansRaise Tip – High Goals Require High Fundraising Expectations


Ensembles that use the FansRaise platform to generate funds are either (a) raising money for the Org’s capital campaign or (b) presenting student performers with a way to offset their own personal costs to participate.

Both of these are useful devices to have at your disposal, and from year-to-year, or even season-to-season your needs might change.

Students in the performing arts are generally pretty amenable to trying new things, working outside of their comfort zone, and rising to meet lofty expectations. There is ample evidence to support the fact that a foundation in the performing arts create a launchpad for students to excel in everything they do.

Groups that keep aggressive performing schedules are usually the ones that require the most fundraising support. These ensembles typically travel lots of miles each competition season, perform shows that are “top box” in terms of complexity and detail, (also, don’t forget elaborate field shows and PROPS) and generally roll down the road with a caravan of students, booster families, and equipment (sometimes they FLY to competitions!).

All of these factors are outstanding from the performing experience sense, however they require EARLY planning and fundraising for both the ensemble as well as the individual student.

If you’re looking for a way to create a “THON” type of fundraiser to raise money for your upcoming season, here’s a quick read on how to accomplish that.

If you’re looking for an exhaustive list of fundraising ideas – we’ve got you covered on that, too.

And if you happen to be seeking a surefire way to generate chunks of money quickly and easily without a lot of hassle, use those high-performing student performers of yours to your ensembles’ benefit:



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